Larry's Auto Repair Shop Miami Beach
The latest cutting-edge auto service
Honesty and integrity for automobile repair on Sobe since 1982.
24 and after hours drop off and pick up
at our modern gas station and convenience store:
Larry's Chevron 1800 Alton Road
(Click for Google Map)
Beach, FL 33139 Call (305) 673-5844
We specialize car repair auto repairs of all makes of cars & light
We fix European Asian and domestic cars.
We offer computerized estimates/repair orders , computerized work history, complete scheduled maintenance for all cars.
We have the latest equipment & tools.
Brakes pads cylinder rotors and drum repair.
Front end/ suspension work.
Power windows & door locks.
Computer diagnostics.
Check engine/service engine lamp
repair. -
A/C & heating repair.
Battery charging & starting systems.
Scheduled maintenance &
maintenance lamps -
2 Decades of integrity in auto repair
on Miami Beach. -
iATN Approved mechanics.